Cradle to Cradle Design for Resource Sustainability, Recycling, and Zero-waste
To promote and apply the Cradle to Cradle design, and to encourage resource recycling and reusing, the EPA has assisted Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) to organize Cradle to Cradle design symposium in conference room 5211, Soochow University, Taipei City, on Friday, September 13. The conference has shared the national and international experience and history of the design, promoting resources for sustainability, recycling and zero-wastes. The EPA minister, Shen, Stephen Shu-hung, has been invited to speak at the symposium.
Minister Shen indicates that, countries like Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, and the USA, have built Cradle to Cradle communication platforms to encourage the Cradle to Cradle principle to be widely spread, whereby the idea has been successfully and innovatively applied to all of the society.
To promote the design idea, the EPA assisted ITRI to establish Cradle to Cradle League for knowledge communication, experience sharing, and as a communication platform. Currently, the league has 41 members, including private businesses, relevant groups and institutions, assisting to construct Cradle to Cradle supply chain network, and promoting resources for recycling and reusing.
The EPA indicates that, to achieve the goal of resources recycling and zero-wastes, it has devoted to promote 5R: Reduction, Reuse, Recycling, Energy Recovery, and Land Reclamation. The promotion and application of Cradle to Cradle are also the key point to promote 5R.
The symposium hopes that the idea of Cradle to Cradle design can be widely applied through experts who have long-term national/international promotion experience and achievements on manufacturing and product designs. By doing so, it can promote resource recycling and reduce the cost of material development, whereby businesses can save costs, create benefits, and promote business images. Thus, consumers, businesses, and environment can enjoy such triple-win benefits.
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